Joint Pain

Joint pain can make even the simplest of tasks incredibly painful.  

Joint pain can be caused by a variety of reasons and oftentimes may be caused by issues in other areas of your body. The most common sources of joint pain are overuse of the joint or surrounding muscles or misuse of those muscles ( ex: tennis elbow). A compressed nerve from an injury can often send pain signals to joints, making it hard to identify the actual source and get proper treatment.

If you’ve been struggling with joint pain you may have experienced

  • Decreased mobility

  • difficulty sleeping or chronic fatigue

  • Increased irritability

  • Balance Issues

  • Symptoms of depression, anxiety, or stress

  • social isolation due to not being able to perform certain activities

We will start with a thorough assessment of your pain points, joint mobility, and the functioning of the muscles surrounding that joint. Once we have a better understanding of the source of your pain we will use Neurosomatic massage to treat the affected areas.  We will also work with you to determine what muscles, structures, or movements may be contributing to the joint pain so that we can create lasting relief.

Luckily you don’t have to live with joint pain.