Hi, I’m Steve
I’m a licensed massage therapist trained in Neurosomatic Massage Therapy who is passionate about being able to help people improve their quality of life, feel better and remain active through massage therapy.
Being physically active has always been important to me. However, as I got older I noticed I tended to get stiff more often, remain sore for longer and it took more time for me to recover after being active.
At the recommendation of a friend, I tried Yoga. It not only helped my body feel better but also triggered my curiosity to learn more about how different bones and muscles work together to help us heal or create discomfort.
When a shoulder injury put me out of commission for several months, I started looking into alternative methods of healing in an attempt to feel better and avoid surgery. After working with several individuals and not seeing much progress, I was treated by a Neurosomatic Massage Therapist. The experience was intense but effective. I regained full use of my shoulder and was able to get back to my usual routine.
I wanted to be able to help people the way this individual was able to help me!
This ultimately led me to go to school for massage therapy at the School of Holistic Massage and Reflexology in Downers Grove, Illinois where I am currently an instructor of Anatomy and Kinesiology and also got specialty training at The Center for Neurosomatic Studies in Clearwater, Florida. I’m excited to use my knowledge and skills to help you.
Licensed Massage Therapist
Neurosomatic Massage Therapy
Sports Massage Therapy
Rock Tape
Certified personal trainer